Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Do You Know Someone Who Has Recovered From MS?

If so, please write me and tell me the story! I have a dear friend that I love, who was stricken with MS and now can move nothing but her head and neck. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is one of the most common diseases which affect white matter in the brain. In MS lesions, the Myelin Shield around the axons has been destroyed by inflammation. It is felt that a person develops antibodies to Myelin, so that the antibodies see Myelin as 'foreign' and attack in, causing damage. This leads to issues with the conduction in nerve impulses.

My friend has already lost the ability to move her arms and legs, and has almost no muscle tissue left in them. According to her, if nothing is found to stop the antibodies attack on the Myelin, she will lose the ability to breathe and perform other life-sustaining functions.

I have heard of people who enjoyed a complete recovery from MS. If you are one of those people, or know someone who is, please write to me and share what you know. My friend's dream is to be able to stand on her own again. I want to see her live that dream! Thank you for caring.

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