Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Things That Make You Go Hmmm?

Why do they make those resealable bags with a "cut here" line a micro meter from the resealable part? Doesn't matter what the product is: broccoli, fish, strawberries, or dental floss toothpicks, it's always the same. I "cut here," the bag opens, I use it, and close the bag. Next time around I practically need two pairs of pliers, just to enable me to get a good enough grip on both sides to open the darn bag! What is up with that?
I always wonder if there is something I'm missing, that everybody else knows but I have yet to figure out. I mean, does everyone go through this every time they open a resealable bag? And if they do, why on earth was it designed that way? It's truly one of life's mysteries.
If someone knows the answer to this resealable ordeal, please let me know!

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