Thursday, June 11, 2009

Washington Times Slams "Deadbeat Dads" Show

Glenn Sacks, Executive Director of Fathers & Families, has a mission to promote a positive image for fathers and their important place in their children's lives. It's a vital cause. Last year, his organization conducted a campaign against Fox TV's "Bad Dads" show, and Fox decided to drop the show. Lifetime TV picked it up, renaming the show "Deadbeat Dads." Sacks' group launched a protest, and Lifetime received over 5,000 calls, letters, and faxes from supporters as a result. In May of this year, the Washington Times published an editorial in support, titled Anti-Dad bias–Why is the father always the villain on American TV?

Among other things, the article notes “[N]oncompliance with court-ordered visitation is three times the problem of noncompliance with court-ordered child support. In short, lousy moms outnumber deadbeat dads 3-1.”–Washington Times editorial, 5/18/09. In my opinion, it's just plain bad policy to misrepresent an entire segment of our population in this biased manner, merely to get ratings. I think Lifetime deserves a letter from us all, telling them we are not only not watching the show, but banning their programming altogether in our home.

At a time when kids need their dads more than ever, I commend Glenn Sacks and his organization for their excellent and tireless support of this critical issue. To learn more about it, check out his article at To find out how you can help promote Fathers & Families go to

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