Thursday, June 4, 2009

An End, and A Beginning

When couples get divorced, they often can't wait to get the other person out of their life. However, if they have children, this is something that won't happen. Couples need to understand that when they are "duking it out" during the divorce process. The same person whom you called foul names during the divorce, is the person you will have to call to pick up the kids when you can't. Good thing to remember.

That's another reason for our motto, "It Started With Love, Why Not End It The Same Way?" I often tell clients that their relationship with their soon-to-be ex never ends, it just changes. This is true even without children, but definitely a factor when kids are involved. There will be holidays, birthday parties, graduations, weddings, grandchildren, and so on.

Nobody wants to have their parents at such gatherings if Mom and Dad can't be in the same room without arguing or name-calling. It's too bad if you tried to make it together and it didn't work. But that's not your kids' fault. They need to be free to love both parents, and share their memorable moments with you, without having to cringe over a dramafest at their special events.
Keep that in mind as you go through your divorce. Not only will you come out happier, you will save a lot of money on attorney fees!

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