Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hitchcock's Guide to the Galaxy, or Ferdinand the Lonely Bull?

Today I attended an awesome 6 1/2 hour seminar presented by the Institute of Continuing Legal Education, on property settlements. We learned some great information on dividing pensions that 90% of divorce lawyers don't know, among other things.

I'm actually quite good at what I do (i.e., family law), even admitting to the world that I'm an "S." (As in Rich Dad Robert Kiyosaki's Cashflow Quadrant: The "S" is self-employed, aka smart, aka solo (as in Lone Ranger and "Nobody does it better"), etc.) Yes, I'm the type who is up at 2 a.m., preparing judgments, or working on appellate briefs. The kind who will spend 2 hours answering client emails at the end of the day and preparing the "to do" list for tomorrow.

But when I write on my blog, it's all about Bruce Lee, or the latest spiritual book I've been reading, etc. Don't I know that a business blog is supposed to let my current (and prospective) clients know what a great lawyer I am???

I guess not. Because right now, despite all the phenomenal things I learned today (and thoroughly enjoyed), I don't want to talk about that. I want to talk about how incredibly joyful life if when I focus on "being love" in every situation.

This, of course, is far different than "being loving," which you can fake. Being love takes every situation to a whole new level.

In past blogs, I talked about an exercise called "Love's Pathway." (See "The Secret Secret Behind the Secret" blogpost.) In it, you begin by taking 4 deep breaths and saying "I am the full expression of God's love. Just as God is love, so am I. I am love."

Next, you focus on someone for whom you have strong feelings of love (child, spouse, friend, Mother Earth). Imagine yourself embracing that person (a bit tough with Mother Earth, stick with people at first), and saying "I love you." Let that feeling of love flow through you.

Then you say, "I feel love." Then, "I feel God." Then, "Thank you," and imagine that love radiating from you to the whole world and beyond.

Anyway, one night, filled with the love I felt for my person of choice, tears of gratitude and appreciation fell down my cheeks. I thought to myself, "If this is what love feels like, and this is what God feels like, does that mean God loves me like this?" And the answer came "Yes, I do." Wow.

When you are loved like that by the creator of everything (and you are, you know), then being love comes naturally. So does being honest about who I am, even if some observers may think I'm flaky. I'm not claiming to walk on water or anything. I am just noticing how much more often throughout the day I feel light-hearted and happy, and free to be myself. How cool is that?

When I think about it, that's even more useful than sharing with my readers information on accrued coverture vs. prospective coverture. Don't you agree?

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